Complete Bible GenealogyComplete Bible Genealogy  
Name( Father, Mother )Book
Azariah(Ahimaaz , )1Ki 4:2

a prince of King Solomon. 1Kings 4:2 says "Azariah the son of Zadok the priest" : Azariah was the grandson of Zadok according to 1Chr 6:8-9, so probably Zadok's son Ahimaaz had died and Zadok was succeded by his grandson Azariah. 
Spouses, Concubines
Brothers, Sisters
Johanan(Azariah , )1Ch 6:9
Azariah is mentioned in the following verses
1 Kings4:2
1 Chronicles6:9
3 occurance(s) in 2 verse(s)
Total: 3 occurances in 2 verses

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